Individual one-to-one coaching leads to application success

With proven one-to-one coaching methods, you can overcome your own blockages and barriers to placement, impress in interviews and get the job of your dreams with ease.

Many applicants receive nothing but rejections, even in this day and age when skilled workers are increasingly in demand and there are plenty of vacancies. So if applications are not successful in the long term, it is essential to review and adapt your own strategy. After all, the aim is to regain a foothold in the labour market and earn your own money. Individual one-to-one coaching can be very helpful on the road to professional success. This is because it starts by analysing the current state of a very specific situation and why your own application attempts have not worked so far. The proven individual coaching methods are always orientated towards the situation of an individual participant. By focusing on existing obstacles to being successful on the job market again, problems can not only be identified but also resolved.

Optimally prepare for job interview questions with the help of individual coaching

Ideally, the end result of such a process is a successful application and the new and desired dream job. In individual coaching, the first step is to work out which barriers to placement exist and how these can be counteracted in the best possible way. This is not necessarily always an easy task and many unsuccessful applicants do not even realise that certain blockages and obstacles are the reason why an application has not been successful so far. A precise profile is therefore created and customised to the individual participant, as this ensures future success in the application process. There is absolutely no point in not preparing for job interviews or job interviews. In addition, there is no such thing as universal preparation; it is necessary to prepare for each interview anew. In many job interviews, employers ask typical interview questions and it is always worthwhile being able to give an optimal and appropriate answer.

Individual one-to-one coaching is also ideal for professional reorientation

These and many other scenarios that typically occur in job interviews are addressed in one-to-one coaching. Anyone who goes into a job interview well prepared also feels much more confident and radiates this self-confidence to the outside world. The application training also includes a detailed discussion of future career options and is tailored to the individual case. After all, it is not helpful to simply apply for any job; applicants and job profiles must be a good match. Individual coaching is of course also useful for people who want or need to completely reorient themselves professionally. Various individual coaching methods uncover potential that participants may not have been aware of until now. This opens up completely new horizons and can be a good way of supporting sustainable professional success. After all, it’s also about feeling comfortable in your job, ideally in the long term

Individual coaching advises and accompanies applicants until they achieve the desired success

Unfortunately, many applications fail because application documents have been put together incorrectly or do not convince a potential future employer for a variety of reasons. This is why the personalised processing of application documents is an essential part of individual coaching. Application documents are the door opener and decide whether or not an interview will take place. Applying for a job is a process and individual one-to-one coaching, with its tried-and-tested one-to-one coaching methods, is precisely tailored to providing each participant with the best possible advice and support throughout the entire application process, right through to success.