Telc B2

At level B2 you can express themselves clearly and in detail and successfully argue and negotiate. You have a large vocabulary in your own specialist area and on most general topics. You have a good command of grammar.

Insurance types in Germany

In our seminar “Types of insurance in Germany”, we give you a comprehensive overview of the multifaceted world of insurance.

Energy efficiency at home and at work

In our seminar “Energy efficiency at home and at work”, we offer you comprehensive insights and practical tips on how you can use energy more efficiently and thus not only protect the environment, but also reduce your costs.

Using e-mail and basic tips

This seminar is a great opportunity for those who want to learn more about the use of email and become more effective in email communication.

Internet usage and Browser

This seminar covers topics such as how to use the Internet, the functions of browsers and basic Internet security.

Nachhilfe area

We are always looking for teachers for the subjects German, Maths, English, Latin and French.

Teacher for Integration and Alphabetisation Courses

Are you authorised by the BAMF as a teacher for integration and literacy courses? Then apply to us.


Authorisation as a teacher from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF)
Completed degree in “German as a foreign language” (DAF) or “German as a second language” (DAZ)

Games evening for adults

All you need is a little creativity and some minor preparatory work. Various games are played.