Specialised course for healthcare professions B2 (600 units)
Within the 600 teaching units, the specialisation course focuses on the acquisition of professional language. This consists of everyday language, nursing jargon and specialised language.
Spezialkurs Gesundheitsfachberufe B2 (600 UE)
Im 600 UE-Spezialkurs liegt der Fokus auf der Berufssprache, bestehend aus Alltags-, Pflege- und Fachsprache.
Berufssprachkurs B2 (500 UE, inklusive Brückenelement)
Das B2-Niveau nach GER ist die zweite Stufe der selbstständigen Sprachverwendung und oft Voraussetzung für viele Berufe.
Vocational Language Course B2 (500 units, including bridge element)
Language level B2 according to the CEFR is the second level of independent language use. It is a prerequisite in many different professional fields in order to be able to take up a corresponding job.
Mesleki Dil Kursu B2 (500 birim, köprü unsuru dahil)
CEFR’ye göre B2 dil seviyesi, bağımsız dil kullanımının ikinci seviyesidir. Birçok farklı mesleki alanda, ilgili bir işe girebilmek için bir ön koşuldur.
German B1 Vocational Language Course (400 Units)
German language skills at A2 level are required. Within 400 lessons, you will acquire general and professional German language skills at level B1 as well as basic knowledge of work-related topics.
Berufssprachkurs Deutsch B1 (400 UE)
Voraussetzung ist Deutsch A2. In 400 UE erwerben Sie B1-Deutschkenntnisse und grundlegendes Wissen zu beruflichen Themen.
Almanca B1 Mesleki Dil Kursu (400 birim)
A2 seviyesinde Almanca dil becerileri gereklidir. 400 ders kapsamında, B1 seviyesinde genel ve mesleki Almanca dil becerilerinin yanı sıra işle ilgili konularda temel bilgiler edineceksiniz.
Mesleki Dil Kursu Almanca A2 (400 birim)
400 ders kapsamında A2 seviyesinde genel ve mesleki Almanca dil becerilerinin yanı sıra iş dünyasıyla ilgili konularda temel bilgiler edineceksiniz.
Vocational Language Course German A2 (400 units)
Within 400 lessons, you will acquire general and vocational German language skills at level A2 as well as basic knowledge of topics related to the world of work.